Our Features

Holesail tip: Holesail is global. It supports all major operating systems and architectures. Holesail apps are available on Play Store, Apple Store, Mac, Windows Terminal, Linux and Vs Code

Easy to setup

Holesail is easy to set up and get started; install from npm or visit the downloads page. One command is all you need to get started with holesail.

Scan a QR code to connect

All you need to do to connect is scan the QR code with the Holesail Go app, and that's pretty much it. There are no complicated steps or painful setups—just set up, scan, and sail.

Multiplatform Support

Holesail is multiplatform. It supports all major operating systems and architectures. Holesail apps are available on the Play Store, Apple Store, Mac, Windows Terminal, Linux and Vs Code.

Built-in File manager

Holesail has a built-in file manager that you can use to quickly transfer files between your devices. There are no size limits, no bandwidth limit, it's limitless, it's holesail.

Built with security in Mind

Holesail is not only a tunnelling software but also a security tool. All data that goes through holesail is encrypted and never touches any third-party server ever.

All connections are completely peer-to-peer, and only the person with whom you share your "connection string" can find you and connect with you.

This gives you both ease of connection and security against any third-party

Truly Peer-to-Peer

Holesail is the only truly peer-to-peer software of its kind; there are no servers or third party relays. You own all your data and only the person you share access with can find you and connect to you.

Other peers in the network have no idea what you are running, if it is running, or how to connect to it or even if you are using holesail.

It's Open Source

Holesail and all of its modules are completely open source. This gives third-party services a method to integrate holesail into their system and make their services secure and easy to connect to.

Last updated